Suboptimal antituberculosis drug concentrations and outcomes in small and HIV‐coinfected children in India: Recommendations for dose modifications

Citation: Bhavani PK, Gangadevi NP, Swaminathan S, Gupta A, Dooley KE, Savic RM. Suboptimal antituberculosis drug concentrations and outcomes in small and HIV-coinfected children in India: Recommendations for dose modifications. Guiastrennec B, Ramachandran G, Karlsson MO, Kumar AKH, Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2017 Dec 16. doi: 10.1002/cpt.987. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 29247506 PMCID: PMC6004234.

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This work aimed to evaluate the once-daily antituberculosis treatment as recommended by the new Indian pediatric guidelines. Isoniazid, rifampin, and pyrazinamide concentration-time profiles and treatment outcome were obtained from 161 Indian children with drug-sensitive tuberculosis undergoing thrice-weekly dosing as per previous Indian pediatric guidelines. The exposure-response relationships were established using a population pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic approach. Rifampin exposure was identified as the unique predictor of treatment outcome. Consequently, children with low body weight (4-7 kg) and/or HIV infection, who displayed the lowest rifampin exposure, were associated with the highest probability of unfavorable treatment (therapy failure, death) outcome (Punfavorable ). Model-based simulation of optimized (Punfavorable ≤ 5%) rifampin once-daily doses were suggested per treatment weight band and HIV coinfection status (33% and 190% dose increase, respectively, from the new Indian guidelines). The established dose-exposure-response relationship could be pivotal in the development of future pediatric tuberculosis treatment guidelines.



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